Revisiting the Vedas

I’ve been reading the Vedas again recently for the first time in a very long time. The Vedas are not actually religious texts–they have a more humane perspective. There is no dogmatism. They are about the miracle of consciousness and the wonder of the phenomenal world, and the writers had a very refined and sophisticated perspective on their environment.

The Vedic peoples understood the complexity of their environment and the limitations of their senses. They grasped that a unifying element underlies all experience, and that everything is part of one pure being, a presence that pervaded them as well as the natural world. They appreciated that there are forms of life that are more subtle than our senses can perceive.

The Vedas mention a number of gods and goddesses. These gods and goddesses are not anything at all like our conception of God. They are a physical reality connected to daily experiences. They are all interconnected in the dynamic system that is the whole of reality. They arise and subside as an expression of pure being, which is the most refined expression of that dynamic system. The Vedic gods were not intended to be objects of worship in the way that we are used to worshipping. Instead, they were seen as beings with greater longevity and more power than we have.

Kalashan and offerings

CC photo courtesy of khandu.rahul on Flickr

The people of the Vedas had a sensibility about the whole of reality and a humility in the face of its immensity. Unlike us, they did not attempt to quantify their experience. They didn’t consider it appropriate, because the universe was understood to be permeated with mystery that was indescribable and unfathomable. In their experience, the entire environment of the earth was alive.

The people in the time of the Vedas appreciated the vibrancy and the vitality and the vastness of the the abundance that is the essence of life. Having the experience of that abundance is something we should strive for, and you’ll read more about it in the next post.

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One Response to Revisiting the Vedas

  1. Nicole says:

    As I begin to make the move from an abundant house of conscious caring people, organic gardening, and clean living to the shelter of my car. I am really becoming aware of the things I accumulated and the attachment to my home that was beginning to form. Although I am now in a place in time where I am about to experience my life at the poorest I have ever been, I have never felt so happy and spiritually abundant as I do now. I am serving people with yoga, smiles, food, childcare, and even giving a few dollars I can muster to any sweet being with a sign begging for compassion on the street. All this and doing my best to keep meditating, writing in my book of virtues, and reading printed texts written by Pabongka Rinpoche on the principle teachings of Buddhism. Maybe it is crazy, but the entire world feels alive and I am soaking in this amazing experience. I feel rich knowing that my life is abundant regardless where I live or how well I can sustain myself. No matter where I am, I am home. The Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita, the teachings of Buddha, the Torah, etc. all have a wisdom to share that have been passed down through the ages. The breath of life and vibrancy from spiritual devotees before us have a sacred appreciation for the human experience that today many people have lost. Many religions, however they may teach and preach, seem to lack the means to put into practice a way of life that dives deep into the soul. Nor supports the listeners with tools to fulfill their part of the whole in order to truly spread more kindness and gratitude to all beings. We don’t put our spirituality and health in the forefront. Hence, we as people don’t know what we are living for anymore… other than accept that we must live for ourselves only and strive for success through material gain. When did looking inside ourselves and playing & learning with others become a waste of time? Why are we less willing to spend the time or money to nourish our mind, body, and spirit first? Is it really okay to own a house full of things we never use? If so, why don’t we reflect more on what matters deeply to our heart? Why is it so hard to ask that we all make small changes to feed a being we don’t know or will never meet? Probably because it takes something bigger than simply caring, it takes an awakening to a certain level. To a level of energy we can’t quite understand with our 5 senses. We really have to feel beyond what we think we know about this life to truly live and breath it. Then again, never have I seen such beauty of both people and community so pressed and urging for spiritual fulfillment. To love and reach enlightenment for the sake of all living beings. What a wonderful vision and wish to put into practice. May others reach a state of constant peace and happiness and have the heart to help others to free themselves from suffering. Anyways thank you Swamiji. I look forward to reading more about instilling spiritual abundance in our lives, pure beings, and more on the the subtle forms of life. Thank you also to those beings who took the interest and had the patience to read my comment (which was simply inspired by this incredible blog).

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